You can use headings to help organize content on a page, which may assist with readability. In terms of accessibility, headings and subheading are extremely helpful for users relying on screen readers. The headings allow for easier page navigation with the screen reader.
In LibGuides, the guide title will always be Heading 1. The box title is always Heading 2. When adding text to a box, you can choose to add Heading 3, 4, and so on.
To add a heading, open the text editor or choose to add "Rich Text / HTML" to an existing box. In the gray editing menu box, select the drop-down menu labeled "Normal." This shows the "Paragraph Format" options.
Use heading levels in order. The first heading you add should be Heading 3, the next subheading should be Heading 4, and so on. If you do not like the size of a particular heading, you can adjust the font size after applying the heading level.
After adding your Heading 3, press "Enter" on your keyboard to start a new line. The text editor will return to the "Normal" paragraph format.
Below is an example of the headings used on a guide. The "How do I choose or develop a research topic?" page on the STEM Library Resources guide has been marked with the WAVE Evaluation Tool. WAVE shows where heading levels have been added (h1, h2, and h3, all indicated with red arrows).