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Best Practices for LibGuides Accessibility

This guide includes instructions for updating individual LibGuides to be as accessible as possible.

Why should I add alt text?

Alternative text (alt text) is a textual description of an image. According to SpringShare, it's helpful for those using screen readers, mobile devices, or device with slow bandwidth. If images lack alt text, screen readers will not be able to "read" or engage with the image.

Alt Text Tips

Here are some tips from NYU and SpringShare:

  • Keep it to 140 characters or less
  • Use punctuation and a period at the end
  • Don't use "image of..." or "graphic of..."
  • Provide the content and function of the image, but don't repeat information that's in the image's context. If a caption of an image says, "ladybug eating a leaf" you don't need to add, "ladybug eating leaf" as alt text.

Adding Alt Text

Alt text for new images

When inserting a new image to a page, add the alt text in the "Alternative Text" box field. 

dialogue box with alternative text highlighted

Alt text for existing images

Open the editor for the box the image is in. Right click on the image, and select "Image Properties." 

"Image Properties" highlighted in image editing.

Add your alt text in the "Alternative Text" field. Select "Ok." You can also follow these steps to ensure existing images already have alt text.