Literature is easiest to locate by searching with author name or title of the work- sometimes both. This is true even if you're looking for literary criticism on a work. Literary criticism often appears as articles and sometimes in books (print or electronic). Literary works will most likely be identified as books or e-books.
Look for works and criticism of works by searching for author, title, or both! Review the following sample searches and notes for ideas:
shakespeare romeo juliet (the database doesn't care if proper nouns are capitalized)
shakespeare (would return biographies about his life, criticisms of his work, and his work)
"their eyes were watching god" (put in quotation marks to look for that specific title)
zora neale hurston criticism (find criticism on the author's works without specifying a single one)
"so long a letter" (put in quotation marks because these words will be found in millions of sources if not connected together with these quotation marks)
beloved toni morrison (include author name when the title is not specific; would do this for Morrison's Jazz, for Orwell's 1984, etc.)