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Undergraduate Research and Projects

Library and research related tips for students involved with undergraduate research..

Cite your presentation

Use this page to create a citation for your presentation at UPRC in APA, MLA, Chicago, IEEE, or CSE format. If you're unsure of what style to use, check with an adviser in your discipline. Updated April 2024.

How to cite yourself!

Tips for undergraduate research presenters

Adding your conference presentation (poster session, oral presentation, etc.) to your CV and/or ePortfolio is a great way to share your work with potential employers, program directors, scholarship committees, and more. Consider adding a section called “Presentations and Publications” or “Accepted Papers” or “Research Projects.” You’ll want to format it in the citation or reference style used in your discipline or area of study.

Please verify font size, type, and spacing specifics- they have been adjusted to fit this page.

APA Style guidelines for a conference presentation

APA Style (7th Edition) is used by Psychology, Education, some Sciences disciplines like Biology, and more. APA offers guidance for citing conference presentations on the APA Style website.

Order of elements for APA conference presentation reference

Author(s). (Year, Month and Date(s) of conference). Presentation title in italicized font [Description of presentation i.e. [Conference session] or [Paper presentation] or [Poster session] ]. Conference name, Conference location. Link to presentation if available.

Sample APA conference presentation reference

Dwyer, J., & Scheelke, A. (2023, March 15-18). Questions of curiosity: Community college students’ non-classroom research ideas [Poster session]. ACRL 2023, Pittsburgh, PA, United States.

Sample APA UPRC presentation reference (update author(s), presentation title, presentation type, and link for your presentation)

Dwyer, J., & Scheelke, A. (2023, April 18). Questions of curiosity: Community college students’ non-classroom research ideas [Poster session]. Salt Lake Community College Second Annual Undergraduate Projects and Research Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, United States.

MLA Works Cited guidelines for a conference presentation

MLA 9th Edition is primarily used by Humanities. They do not have clear guidelines for citing conference presentations. SLCC Librarians advise including a presentation link when available, but this information may not align directly with MLA.

Order of elements for MLA conference presentation reference

Author(s). “Presentation title in quotation marks.” Conference name, Conference/Presentation date, Conference location. Link to presentation if available.

Sample MLA conference presentation works cited reference

Dwyer, Jamie, and Amy Scheelke. “Questions of Curiosity: Community College Students’ Non-classroom Research Ideas.” ACRL 2023, 17 Mar. 2023, Pittsburgh, PA.

Sample MLA UPRC presentation works cited reference (update author(s), presentation title, and link for your presentation)

Dwyer, Jamie, and Amy Scheelke. “Questions of Curiosity: Community College Students’ Non-classroom Research Ideas.” Salt Lake Community College Second Annual Undergraduate Projects and Research Conference, 18 Apr. 2023, Salt Lake City, UT.

Citing a conference presentation in Chicago/Turabian Style

Chicago/Turabian Style, 17th Edition, is often used by History, Business, and Fine Arts disciplines. Guidelines for citing “Lectures and papers or posters presented at meetings” in a bibliography can be found in The Chicago Manual of Style's section 4.217.

Order of elements for Chicago conference presentation reference

Author(s). “Presentation title in quotation marks.” Poster/Paper/Lecture presented at Conference name, Conference location, Conference month and year. Link to presentation if available.

Sample Chicago conference presentation bibliography reference

Dwyer, Jamie, and Amy Scheelke. “Questions of Curiosity: Community College Students’ Non-classroom Research Ideas.” Poster presented at ACRL 2023, Pittsburgh, PA, March 2023.

Sample Chicago UPRC presentation bibliography reference (update author(s), presentation title, presentation type, and link for your presentation)

Dwyer, Jamie, and Amy Scheelke. “Questions of Curiosity: Community College Students’ Non-classroom Research Ideas.” Poster presented at the Salt Lake Community College Second Annual Undergraduate Projects and Research Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, April 2023.

Citing a conference presentation in IEEE Style

IEEE Style, from the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers, is used in Engineering fields and Computer Science. Guidance for citing a paper presented at a conference can be found in the full IEEE Reference Guide. SLCC Librarians advise including a presentation link when available. If it is not, omit "[Online]." and URL elements of reference.

Order of elements for IEEE conference paper reference

Author(s). "Presentation title in quotation marks," presented at the Abbreviated Name of Conference, City of Conference, State, Country, Month and day(s), Year. [Online, if copy is available digitally, otherwise omit]. Available: URL

Sample IEEE conference presentation reference

J. Dwyer and A. Scheelke. "Questions of curiosity: Community college students' non-classroom research ideas," presented at ACRL 2023, Pittsburgh, PA, USA. March 15-18, 2023. [Online]. Available:

Sample IEEE UPRC presentation reference (update author(s), presentation title, and link for your presentation)

J. Dwyer and A. Scheelke. "Questions of curiosity: Community college students' non-classroom research ideas," presented at Salt Lake Community College 2nd Annu. Undergraduate Projects and Res. Conf., Salt Lake City, UT, USA. April 18, 2023. [Online]. Available:

Citing a conference presentation in CSE Style

CSE 8th Edition, also referred to as Scientific Style and Format, is used for natural sciences, including Biology. CSE provides guidelines for conference presentations and poster sessions as unpublished materials.

Order of elements for CSE poster session or presentation reference

Author(s). Date of presentation. Title of presentation. Poster session / Paper presented at: Title or theme of conference. Name of conference or institution; Location.

Sample CSE poster session reference

Dwyer J, Scheelke A. 2023 March 17. Questions of Curiosity: Community College Students’ Non-classroom Research Ideas. Poster session presented at: Forging the future. ACRL 2023; Pittsburgh, PA.

Sample CSE UPRC poster session reference (update author(s), poster title, type of presentation (e.g., Poster session or Paper)

Dwyer J, Scheelke A. 2023 April 18. Questions of Curiosity: Community College Students’ Non-classroom Research Ideas. Poster session presented at: Second Annual Undergraduate Projects and Research Conference. Salt Lake Community College; Salt Lake City, UT.

Citing a conference presentation in other styles

Many disciplines use very specific styles. Check in at the SLCC Student Reading and Writing Center or look in the citation guide/handbook/manual for the style you need to use! Use the resources here for two additional styles SLCC departments may use.