A call number is the number (which usually has letters in it) or the group of letters assigned to each item in the library. Every call number is unique. These numbers are designed to help you find the book, video, or CD that you need.
At SLCC we primarily use Dewey Decimal Classification for our books. 204.36 Sy61s 2010 is an example of a typical call number. If the book is marked "OV", it's in our oversize collection. A book with an 'R' in front of the call number is a reference book.
Fiction books are in a separate collection that does not use Dewey Decimal Classification. Look for the "FIC" at the beginning of the call number. Children's books follow the same system, except that they have "CHI" in front of the number.
Reserve books are classified by the class number: ENGL 1010, MATH 1050, etc.
Videos, DVDs, and CDs have a number assigned by the library. They are in numerical order on the shelves.
If you can't find the item, talk to the library staff. We're happy to help you find what you need!