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Life, Society & Drugs: Appropriate Sources

This guides shows how to identify appropriate sources for Salt Lake Community College's Life, Society & Drugs course

Welcome to the SLCC Libraries module on appropriate sources for HLTH 1050: Life, Society & Drugs!

This content has been adapted from a Canvas module created in winter of 2020.

Instructors, search Canvas Commons for "SLCC Library" to add the module to your courses, or contact a librarian for assistance.

Meet Your Librarian

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  1. List the three criteria for appropriate sources
  2. Distinguish between scholarly and popular sources
  3. Identify a primary research article
  4. Describe strategies for finding internationally focused articles

This module also covers: finding appropriate sources using library databases, including MLA citations, and developing topics for the HLTH 1050 research paper.

Want to hone your research skills?

Contact the Science, Mathematics and Engineering liaison librarian: