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Surgical Technologist

This guide is designed to help students and faculty access credible resources related to the study of a surgical technician.

SLCC Student Reading & Writing Center

The SLCC Student Reading & Writing Center can help you:

  • Understand assignments
  • Expand on ideas
  • Revise writing
  • Notice errors
  • And more...

Writing Handbooks


What is Plagiarism?  

From the SLCC Student Code of Conduct plagiarism is defined as "Presenting within one’s own work the ideas, representations, or words of another person without customary and proper acknowledgment of that person’s authorship is considered plagiarism. Students who are unsure of what constitutes plagiarism should consult with their instructors. Claims of ignorance will not necessarily excuse the offense."

Online Citation Help

Library Citation Tools

Most of our research databases and sources have built in citation tools which makes formatting your reference list a breeze. Citations tools can vary by database.  Look for the cite button once you've clicked on an article.  

Citation tools should be considered a draft of the final citations, they aren't always 100% accurate.  Students should consult the citation manuals and pay close attention to names, capitalization and dates, making any necessary corrections before turning in assignments.   

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