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STEM Library Resources

This guide introduces students to the SME librarian and available STEM resources while providing guidance on basic information literacy skills.

Use this page to learn how to navigate and use several Library resources, including the Library's website and two STEM-specific databases. All Library resources are available for students to freely use.

Interested in an overview of what services and resources the SLCC Library has to offer you? Visit the SLCC Library Services Orientation:

Search for sources using ProQuest Central

Use the search box below to look for articles, books, videos, and more on nearly any subject.

How do I use the database Science Direct?

This guide provides a quick introduction on accessing, searching, and opening articles using the database Science Direct. Use the options below to either download a copy using Microsoft Word or open the document on Google Docs.

How can I access Library resources off campus?

Current students, faculty, and staff can access all electronic library resources off campus. It’s easy!  When prompted, just enter your MySLCC username and password, and you’re all set to explore our resources. If you have any questions, contact the Reference Desk at 801-957-4610.