The most comprehensive ABI/INFORM™ database, this comprises ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Trade and Industry, and ABI/INFORM Dateline. The database features thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals such as the Economist, country-and industry-focused reports, and downloadable data. Its international coverage gives researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world.
Conduct company, industry, economic and geopolitical market research with information from these sources: Hoover's Company Profiles - covering 40,000 global public and non-public companies including financials, competitors, officers, and more; OxResearch - succinct articles covering regional economic and political developments of significance; US and Worldwide Industry & Market Reports from Barnes Reports - covering global industries in depth; and Snapshots - market research overviews on 40+ industries and 40 countries.
This collection provides unmatched discipline-specific coverage spanning thousands of publications, many in full text. Covers topics such as: Information Systems, Computer Security, Database Design, Software Development, Web Commerce, and more.
Criminal Justice Database is a comprehensive database supporting research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends. As well as U.S. and international scholarly journals, it includes correctional and law enforcement trade publications, dissertations, crime reports, crime blogs and other material relevant for researchers or those preparing for careers in criminal justice, law enforcement and related fields.
Education Database supports the study and application of education across all levels of education, including early childhood education, primary and secondary education, and higher education. The database supports global study and research, including thousands of full-text journals, dissertations and other relevant sources.
This database provides unmatched discipline-specific coverage spanning thousands of publications, many in full text. Topics include: Aircraft design and engineering, Automotive design and engineering, Bridges and tunnels, Civil engineering for air and space transportation, and more.
The Environmental Science Database is a cross-disciplinary resource of full-text content of global literature across this field and related disciplines. It provides the most complete collection of resources available to support research and learning in environmental science and related fields. Content is selected from several specialist topic resources in disciplines such as engineering, biotechnology, bacteriology, atmospheric science, ecology, and biology.
A FULL-TEXT collection of journals, magazines, newsletters, etc. devoted to the women's movement, men's studies, the transgender community and the changes in gender roles over the years. (from the vendor)
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many Latin American countries, Spain, and Portugal. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.
Latin American Newsstream enables users to search the most recent local, national, and regional news content with archives featuring newspapers, newswire, and news sites in active full-text format. It includes titles from Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Costa Rica, Peru, Uruguay, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, and Venezuela. Latin American Newsstream provides newspapers in Spanish and Portuguese. Key newspaper titles include: El Universal (Mexico City);O Globo (Brazil);La Nación (Argentina);and El Mercurio (Chile). Included in International Newsstream and Global Newsstream.
This database includes full-text journals and other sources in linguistics, including many titles indexed in Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA). It covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.
This database offers reliable, comprehensive coverage of the fields of nursing and allied health including journals, video, dissertations, reference books and more.
This database provides abstracts and indexing for key Psychology titles, many which are available in full text. Coverage ranges from behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial and social psychology, along with personality, psychobiology and psychometrics.
ProQuest Research Library provides one-stop access to thousands of full-text periodicals from one of the broadest, most inclusive general reference databases ProQuest has to offer. Search from a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, professional and trade publications, and magazines covering over 150 subjects and topics. in all instances.
Accesses thousands of newspaper and magazine articles. Search your topic or pick one of their Leading Issues with PRO / CON information and Viewpoint articles. Extras include Educator's Resources.. SIRS (Social Issues Resources Series)
Social Science Database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines including anthropology, communication, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work, and sociology.
Sociology Database covers the international literature of sociology and social work, including relevant titles from related fields such as social policy, social care, social services, social anthropology, gender studies, gerontology, social psychology and population studies. It includes hundreds of full-text scholarly journals, as well as dissertations and other sources.
New / Trial Databases
The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
Browse thousands of periodicals, access Gale’s proprietary databases, and unlock award-winning literature resources. Explore subjects such as business, health, history, social justice, nursing, social sciences, education, science and technology
Alternate Name(s)
Gale Literature Resource Center, Gale Literature: Contemporary Authors, Gale Literature: Dictionary of Literary Biography, Gale Literature: LitFinder, Gale Literature: Scribner Writer Series, Gale Literature: Twayne's Author Series
An integrated research experience, Gale Literature brings together Gale's premier literary databases in a new digital environment that allows researchers, faculty and students to search across these resources to discover and analyze content in entirely new ways.
Includes: Gale Literature Resource Center, Gale Literature: Contemporary Authors, Gale Literature: Dictionary of Literary Biography, Gale Literature: LitFinder, Gale Literature: Scribner Writer Series, Gale Literature: Twayne's Author Series
The most comprehensive ABI/INFORM™ database, this comprises ABI/INFORM Global, ABI/INFORM Trade and Industry, and ABI/INFORM Dateline. The database features thousands of full-text journals, dissertations, working papers, key business and economics periodicals such as the Economist, country-and industry-focused reports, and downloadable data. Its international coverage gives researchers a complete picture of companies and business trends around the world.
This database includes hard-to-find local and regional business publications, including McClatchey Tribune titles, with news about local companies, analysis, information on local markets and more. It also allows users to research employment opportunities, compile data on benefits and compensation, learn about corporate strategies and other topics from a local and regional perspective.
This database is one of the most comprehensive business databases on the market. It includes in-depth coverage for thousands of publications, most of which are available in full text and the latest business and financial information for researchers at all levels.
This database includes in-depth coverage of companies, products, executives, trends and other topics. With ABI/INFORM Trade & Industry users can study and compare specific trades and industries, including telecommunications, computing, transportation, construction, petrochemicals and many others.
This database brings together global scholarly journals with other key resources for access to reliable information in this continuously evolving area of study. Quickly locate precise results from sources ranging from current news to professional and academic journal articles covering the trends and history influencing important accounting, tax, banking, and financial issues of the day.
The Advanced Technologies & Aerospace Database includes the renowned Aerospace Database and provides full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications.
This database contains the leading agricultural journals published in North America. ProQuest Agriculture Journals offers the complete text as well as complete images from such journals as Agricultural Research, Forest Products Journal, Journal of Animal Science, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation and Plant Physiology.
Archives Unbound presents topically-focused digital collections of historical documents that support the research and study needs of scholars, researchers, and students at the college and university level. A multi-disciplinary resource, collections cover a broad range of topics from the Middle Ages forward-from Witchcraft to World War II to twentieth-century political history. Particular strengths include U.S. foreign policy; U.S. civil rights; global affairs and colonial studies; and modern history. Collections are chosen based on requests from scholars, archivists, and students.
This database provides information pertinent to the study of business and finance topics across Asia and Europe, including academic journals, newspapers, newswires, and magazines. Find information on companies, economies, markets, international trade, and overall business conditions and practices throughout these regions.
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in Australia and New Zealand. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.
This interdisciplinary database offers abstracts and citations to a wide range of research in biomedicine, biotechnology, zoology and ecology and some aspects of agriculture and veterinary science. Supporting over two dozen areas of expertise, this database provides access to literature from over 6000 serials, as well as conference proceedings, technical reports, monographs and selected books and patents.
Conduct company, industry, economic and geopolitical market research with information from these sources: Hoover's Company Profiles - covering 40,000 global public and non-public companies including financials, competitors, officers, and more; OxResearch - succinct articles covering regional economic and political developments of significance; US and Worldwide Industry & Market Reports from Barnes Reports - covering global industries in depth; and Snapshots - market research overviews on 40+ industries and 40 countries.
This database is a longstanding, comprehensive Canadian periodical collection covering multiple subjects and topics, with millions of full-text records. Accessible to readers and researchers at every level, the Canadian Business & Current Affairs Database features a diversified mix of publications, including scholarly journals, trade publications, magazines, reports, radio and television transcripts, news, dissertations, and more.
This database offers unparalleled access to the full text of over 400 Canadian news sources from Canada's leading publishers. This full text database includes the complete available electronic backfile for most newspapers, providing full access to the articles, columns, editorials and features published in each. Most titles are updated daily and some backfiles date as far back as the late 1970s.
ProQuest Career & Technical Education is the definitive source for vocational information. The database includes nearly 600 titles, with more than 500 available in full text for quick access to research on virtually any technical topic.
This collection provides unmatched discipline-specific coverage spanning thousands of publications, many in full text. Covers topics such as: Information Systems, Computer Security, Database Design, Software Development, Web Commerce, and more.
This database includes journals and magazines covering an enormous range of health subjects, from sports injuries to women's health, from food and nutrition to midwifery, from eye care to dentistry.
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many European countries, including France, Italy, Germany, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.
Criminal Justice Database is a comprehensive database supporting research on crime, its causes and impacts, legal and social implications, as well as litigation and crime trends. As well as U.S. and international scholarly journals, it includes correctional and law enforcement trade publications, dissertations, crime reports, crime blogs and other material relevant for researchers or those preparing for careers in criminal justice, law enforcement and related fields.
The Earth, Atmospheric & Aquatic Science Database contains full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications.
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many East Asian and South Asian countries. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in East European and Central European countries. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.
Education Database supports the study and application of education across all levels of education, including early childhood education, primary and secondary education, and higher education. The database supports global study and research, including thousands of full-text journals, dissertations and other relevant sources.
This database provides unmatched discipline-specific coverage spanning thousands of publications, many in full text. Topics include: Aircraft design and engineering, Automotive design and engineering, Bridges and tunnels, Civil engineering for air and space transportation, and more.
The Environmental Science Database is a cross-disciplinary resource of full-text content of global literature across this field and related disciplines. It provides the most complete collection of resources available to support research and learning in environmental science and related fields. Content is selected from several specialist topic resources in disciplines such as engineering, biotechnology, bacteriology, atmospheric science, ecology, and biology.
Gale’s premier periodical resource, Gale Academic OneFile, provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources—including thousands of podcasts and transcripts from NPR and CNN as well as videos from BBC Worldwide Learning.
Gale Literature: Book Review Index includes more than 5.6 million book reviews, allowing users to conduct research in numerous disciplines, including literature, history, education, psychology, and more.
Search severak collections of primary sources at one time. Gale Primary Sources searches across these products: Archives Unbound, The Making of Modern Law: U.S. Supreme Court Records and Briefs, 1832–1978, and Women's Studies Archive.
In the modern news world, newswires are the chief source of timely news and, with increasing pressures on the traditional news industry, newswires are often the only news coverage for many large regions of the globe. Global Breaking Newswires is the premier library news product providing timely access to the best newswire content available from around the globe for the modern researcher as well as growing archive of news indexed and accessible through the familiar & popular research functionality of the ProQuest platform.
ProQuest Indian Journals is a comprehensive, multidisciplinary resource providing full-text, scholarly journals, all published in India. These scholarly sources support many academic fields of study, such as business, medicine, science, technology, social sciences and humanities. Providing a unique source of the very best scholarly periodical output from India, ProQuest Indian Journals is a current resource, with most coverage from the last five years and updated daily with new content.
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many Latin American countries, Spain, and Portugal. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.
Library Science Database gives users full-text access to a selection of publications relevant to library and information science. It covers a range of titles and topics relevant to the theoretical and applied study of library science, including trade publications aimed at the library profession as well as scholarly journals.
This database includes full-text journals and other sources in linguistics, including many titles indexed in Linguistics and Language Behavior Abstracts (LLBA). It covers all aspects of the study of language including phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics.
This database provides unmatched discipline-specific coverage spanning thousands of publications, many in full text. Subjects include: Aerospace and aircraft engineering, Automotive engineering, Bonding, brazing, soldering, and welding, Bioengineering and biotechnology, Chemical engineering, and more.
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in many Middle Eastern and African countries. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.
The Military Database covers topics across all government and military branches, including international relations, political science, criminology, defense, aeronautics and space flight, communications, civil engineering, and more. An important benefit of the Military Database is its content diversity. Included are scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, government publications, and more.
This database offers reliable, comprehensive coverage of the fields of nursing and allied health including journals, video, dissertations, reference books and more.
This database provides abstracts and indexing for key Psychology titles, many which are available in full text. Coverage ranges from behavioral, clinical, cognitive, developmental, experimental, industrial and social psychology, along with personality, psychobiology and psychometrics.
This database allows you to search the core literature in the field of public health. Subjects include: Nutrition and Dietetics, Physical fitness and hygiene, Population studies, Social services and welfare, Biology - genetics, Drug abuse and alcoholism, and more.
Designed to complement other databases and collections, this database brings together or links to full text for publicly available scholarly content from a number of different sources from around the world. It includes content from major subject repositories such as arXiv as well as open access journals. Content includes journal articles, pre-prints, books, conference papers and reports.
Religion Database provides a wide range of primarily full-text periodicals and other sources for diverse religious and spiritual studies, covering formal theological studies and commentary on topics of general interest from the perspectives of many worldwide religions. As well as scholarly journals there are many titles from religious publishing bodies and nondenominational organizations. The resource reflects a wide spectrum of religious belief systems and supports the global study of religion.
ProQuest Research Library provides one-stop access to thousands of full-text periodicals from one of the broadest, most inclusive general reference databases ProQuest has to offer. Search from a highly-respected, diversified mix of scholarly journals, professional and trade publications, and magazines covering over 150 subjects and topics. in all instances.
Social Science Database offers indexing and full text for hundreds of academic journals, providing extensive coverage across a wide range of social science disciplines including anthropology, communication, criminology, economics, education, political science, psychology, social work, and sociology.
Sociology Database covers the international literature of sociology and social work, including relevant titles from related fields such as social policy, social care, social services, social anthropology, gender studies, gerontology, social psychology and population studies. It includes hundreds of full-text scholarly journals, as well as dissertations and other sources.
This database is an essential resource for anyone researching the industry or its technology. Whether you’re looking for the latest news on WAP technology, following market penetration of new technologies, or gathering information about the key players in this field, ProQuest Telecommunications helps you stay one step ahead. The database includes over 140 titles, with more than 115 available in full text. Search more than 600,000 records, dating back to the early 1990's.
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in Turkey. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.
This database provides ongoing full-text academic journals that are locally published by scholarly publishing organizations and educational institutions in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland. Major subject areas of study are represented, including business, science, technology, engineering, social sciences, education, and humanities.